
Strong marriages rooted in love are the essence of God’s desire for the family.


The Step into Spiritual Success (SISS) Christian Women’s Ministry caters to the spiritual development of women.


The Men of Integrity ministry is designed to teach the men of KBCC and the surrounding community to be dedicated servants of God.


AAYJ All About Youth & Jesus High School Mentoring Program for Teens was created to assist teens in the building of  their relationship with the Lord.


As a family-oriented ministry, KBCC believes that a relationship with Christ is available to every member of the family – including children.


The Athletic Ministry of KBCC currently provides sports and recreation opportunities for young people in the KBCC family.


Young adults ages 17—24 who are enrolled in college are invited to participate in the KBCC College Ministry.


Christian Education department teaches the Word of God using the Bible as the authority, to students of all ages.


This ministry is for single Christians who would like to broaden their spiritual horizons by fellowshipping with other single Christians.